Monday, February 7, 2011

Money and Power

     Last week while writing about the State of The Union Address, I made a jab at Congress, referring to the political body as "a hundred multimillionaires".  Though I don't for a moment doubt the validity of that statement, in the interest of exactitude I wonder--just how many members of congress really are millionaires?

     The first hit on for search query, "how many members of Congress are millionaires" is a listing from CBS news' website (, so it's a good bet that here ( is where I need to go.

     According to CBS, in 2009 261 members of congress (out of 535, nearly half) were verified millionaires. It's interesting that Americans demand as a fundamental right in civil/criminal matters, to be heard by a Jury of their peers while saturating nearly 50% of Congress with those who represent only the wealthiest 1% of their citizens.  If the other 99% of Americans ever start to feel alienated from the political process, they can look to their own voting habits for a solution.

     CBS is a corporate broadcasting megalith which depends upon it's reputation of accuracy for its viewership and is subject to intense international scrutiny by that viewership's vastness. The network is not equipped to compete with Fox for the ludicrously inaccurate news demographic, leaving it no choice but to uphold an ethical standard of diligent fact-checking, accurate reporting, and public retraction of reported information which later proves to be inaccurate.  As such, I consider CBS' website to be an accurate source of information.         

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